Medical Camp at Ganga Bhogpur

March 22, 2015

Divine Shakti Foundation’s weekly free camp was held this Sunday at Bandematram Kunj Ganga Bhogpur, run by Divya Seva Prem Mission Chandighat Haridwar. These students, numbering around 300 boys and girls, are the children of leprosy-stricken people who are unable to work at all. 

Divine Shakti Foundation’s team of volunteers, comprising of Dr Priya, Punita from London, Martina from Bali, and Sofi from Siberia checked out about 63 patients during the camp, mostly women and children. Most children were suffering from common colds and fevers, as well as skin diseases. Ladies suffered from issues such as constipation, leucorrhoea, joint pain and headache.

Punita held hygiene, hand washing and teeth brushing sessions with the children.
Sofi led patients in yoga postures to mitigate shoulder, back and neck pain.

On the way back to Parmarth at the end of the day, the volunteers also stopped at Gujjar Basti, where DSF had ran a free medical camp last Sunday, to check on 12 patients. 

Total no. of patients seen : 75