Two weeks of Service Complete at Kanwad Mela Environmental Awareness and Medical Camp!

August 4, 2024

We are delighted to share that we have successfully completed two weeks of serving Kanwad Mela devotees by setting up a special environmental awareness and medical camp. Every day, our camp attended to over 1000 patients, providing care for wounds, bruises, rashes, coughs, colds, and fevers caused by long walks barefoot and heavy rain.

Our efforts helped relieve high blood pressure, breathing issues, skin rashes, muscle pains, and provided necessary medicines for children suffering from coughs and fevers. We had the pleasure of offering a space for rest, water, and medicine. In return, we received immense gratitude and appreciation.

We sincerely thank all of you for your warm words, which motivate us every day to do more. Here are a few images from our medical camp.