Two-Day Dental Camp by Dental IQ, Parmarth Niketan, and DSF

June 12, 2023
A beautiful two-day dental camp organized under the joint aegis of Parmarth Niketan, Divine Shakti Foundation and Dental IQ of Chandigarh was inaugurated in the presence of HH Param Pujya

Divyang Mukt Event Organized on Pujya Swamij’s Birthday

June 6, 2023
On Param Pujya Swamiji 's birthday, a Divyaang Mukt event was organised to help people with disabilities where Uttarakhand state football champions attended and received a mobile phone specially designed

Sadhviji Participates in Webinar on Challenges Faced in Menstrual Hygiene Management

June 1, 2023
In a very special webinar organized by the World Council of Churches 's Ecumenical Water Network held in honour of Menstrual Hygiene Day, Sadhviji; WCC's Rev Dr Kenneth Mtata and Rev. Nicole Ashwood; Water

Special Workshop on Menstrual Health for School Girls on Menstrual Hygiene Day

May 28, 2023
डिवाइन शक्ति फाउंडेशन, परमार्थ निकेतन पिछले कई वर्षों से विद्यालयों और कम्यूनिटी स्तर पर माहवारी स्वास्थ्य और स्वच्छता के प्रति महिलाओं, किशोरियों और जनसाधारण को जागरूक करने हेतु विभिन्न स्तरों

G-20 Meeting in Rishikesh Begins with Parmarth’s Ganga Aarti & Pledge to Work Together

May 24, 2023
Parmarth Niketan, one of the largest ashrams in Rishikesh and one of the largest spiritual institutions in India hosted the esteemed delegates of the G-20 meeting of the Anti-Corruption Working

Students of Parmarth Yoga Teacher Training Course Visit DSF Vocational Training Centre Parmarth Naari Shakti Kendra

May 2, 2023
Students of Parmarth Niketan Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) visited our DSF vocational training centre 'Parmarth Naari Shakti Kendra' recently.  They had a nice time with students of PNSK and

WASH on World Earth Day at Parmarth Vidya Mandir

April 29, 2023
Recently World Earth Day was celebrated at our Parmarth Vidya Mandir, a free school run under Pujya Sadhvi Bhagawatiji, President of Divine Shakti Foundation.  GIWA conducted a special hygiene session for

Women of Parmarth Naari Shakti Kendra Create Eco-Friendly Bags

April 25, 2023
Many underprivileged women in Parmarth Naari Shakti Kendra Vocational Training Centre learn pattern cutting, sewing, block painting, embroidery and various other skills which help them achieve a decent livelihood. After International

Visit to Kali ki Dhal

April 16, 2023
Our team visited Kali ki Dhal, one of the underprivileged communities in Rishikesh from which many women participate in our free vocational training center and get themselves financially independent. SHG meets

Pujya Swamiji and Pujya Sadhviji Grace Global Peace Leadership Conference Indo-Pacific (GPLC-2023)

April 14, 2023
परमार्थ निकेतन के अध्यक्ष स्वामी चिदानन्द सरस्वती जी और जीवा की अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महासचिव साध्वी भगवती सरस्वती जी ने ’’वैश्विक शान्ति नेतृत्व सम्मेलन इन्डो-पैसिफिक’’ में सहभाग कर सम्बोधित किया। भारत की समृद्ध